Thursday, June 30, 2011


When someone like this appears you get paralyzed, you can not move and the terror is overwhelming. It`s too late to pray because you are blocked by the evil influence. There is almost no doubt that at such a moment even a low rank demon can make a vegetable out of a vigorous man. So say your prayers in advance...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eccentric Thoughts 3

1. If we would treat animals better then perhaps gods would treat us the same way.
2. Procrastination is not such a bad state, provided you get rid of the sense of guilt.
3. Those who envy you are very optimistic since they are always sure of your success.
4. People don`t like each other because they know themselves very well.
5. A kind person is the one who avoids other people`s company in order not to become wicked.
6. If you want more-you will get less, if you want less-you will get nothing, if you want nothing- you will get everything.
7. We always want something, that is our general characteristic.
8. Everybody wants happeness but nobody knows what it is.
9. The thing that can cause death or save life is in your mouth- it`s your tongue
10. A patient can be cured provided he is not ill.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Are you ready to be open? And when you are open, are you ready?

Eccentric Thoughts 2

1. The more we think on death, the closer we approach it, the less we think- the more sudden is its approach.
2. Absence is the thing that never ends.
3. Time is the worst enemy of eternity.
4. What is worse- to lose everything or not to find anything?
5. Satisfaction is one of the most elusive things in the universe.
6. If time is money, then spending money is a waste of time.
7. If money is paper, then the world is built on paper.
9.The older we become, the less we understand the meaning of life.
10. A pig is usually looking down, it is not waiting for a manna and in this respect a swine is smarter than a man.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Original Blog of Roman Krimker, artist and philosopher from Israel.: Sufferer

The Original Blog of Roman Krimker, artist and philosopher from Israel.: Sufferer: "There are people who are not only lucky but somehow magically protected by circumstances: they can hardly stir a finger and still succeed ..."


There are people who are not only lucky but somehow magically protected by circumstances: they can hardly stir a finger and still succeed to the maximum; and there is another category, their antipodes who have to strain and make hard efforts and still belong to the average level of losers. I don`t know the origin of this universal inequity and don`t think anyone will ever know. The only advice that can be given to losers is the following: don`t try to settle a score with the lucky ones because you will definitely lose. Though I can as well give this advice to myself...

Friday, June 24, 2011


Resurrection is a hard process. You must not necessarily be embalmed when you cross the border but there definitely must be something or someone beyond to help you regain consciousness.

Eccentric Thoughts 1

1. We make plans and when they fail we get freedom in return.
2. The more we want fame, the less it is possible to get.
3. Injustice is based on money and justice- on its lack.
4. Absence is the thing that never ends.
5. It is possible to find what you have lost but it is impossible to lose what you have not found.
6. The book of changes is the book of life.
7. The time to come is better than the time that has come.
8. We`ll hardly ever know who of us has really deserved anything.
9. Lie is a truth with some experience.
10. Too much order brings in chaos.

Light and Color

There is no light without color as well as there is no color without light.


Philosophy is art, art is philosophy.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Gold is always the same, it is people who are changing.


In the Soviet Union there was a popular slogan: "Lenin lived, Lenin Lives, Lenin will live". Perhaps he is still living there in his mausoleum... Anyway, revolution is a hard thing, so don`t try this at home, folks.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It`s easy to become an outcast: just always say what you really think and they will kick you out of any society.


Big lakes, high bridges, great countries. Once I belonged there.


Life is a movement in one direction- we are drawn by death like iron by the magnet: rusty or not, old or young- does not matter.

T.T. Pistol

A weapon of art.


The window into another world can be opened anytime.


Freedom is a lack of everything.

Death of an Orange

Fruits also die...


Questioning things: what are you?